Thursday, August 6, 2009

book review~

topic: Islam and the problem of Israel

Chapter 1;
In this chapter, the writer mentioned about the "problem of Israel" which were three-cornered affair, involving the Muslim World, Western Christendom and the Jews. The first two have been locked in struggle ever since the rise of the Islamic state in Madinah in 622. Initially, Arabia was no significant to the Christendom except for the trade route, but the raise of Islamic state following the integration of Makkah made them to mobilize its puppet armies in South Palestine and Jordan. This brought the first military encounter between Islam and Christendom, The Campaign of Mu'tah 9AH.

Al-Quran had already mentioned of what it had to say concerning Christian doctrine. When Christian Najran sent the delegation to the Muslim territory led by the prophet, the prophet received them with full honoured. Some accepted it and others rejected it and their decision were respected to be Muslims. But Christendom to the north could not countenance such arrangement with prophet's companion as the delegation to preach Islam, they were beheaded and the confrontation became imminent. From this time, relation between both has been one of the confrontation. Christians were using many ways to destroyed Islam and raised a chaos in Muslim country until nowadays. The downfall of Ottoman Empire in 1924 was one of their great jubilation because it marked the Muslim hegemony and the Muslim territory in the world. Muslim country became colonized under their power and administration.

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